Please visit my contact page or my Instagram if you wish to work with me. Depending on the project, I am open to trade for trade and travelling for a shoot. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 




Hello, I'm Adam Landis. NIce to meet you.

I'm an artist born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia, a stone’s throw from the city of my alma mater, Richmond. I use my photographic work to explore my interests. As I'm sure you've noticed, I don't focus on one subject. I equally enjoy photographing people and places, dogs and clothes, food and anything. 

 In the past I have been exhibited alongside Ansel Adams, Ernest H. Brooks and Dorothy Kerper Monnelly within the Fragile Waters Exhibition at its incarnation in the Mariner’s Museum (Hampton, VA). Through attending VCU I had the privilege to study under Shane Rocheleau, Paul Thulin and Shannon Castleman. They helped me broaden my language and knowledge as a photographic artist, giving direction to an otherwise raw and unfocused love of image-making.  I prefer to work through large and medium format film in conjunction with digital cameras, I'm forever chasing that crisp detail.

The slowness of the view camera is a calming experience, which is fun. It allows me to really consider the contents of my frame.

The speed and freedom of the digital camera is also relaxing. There is something wonderful about blasting out fifty shots of the same pose, tweaked slightly.  

My work centers around the human environment, the mark we leave on the world.  I draw from a longstanding admiration for Gregory Crewdson, Brian Ulrich, Alec Soth and Heikki Kaski. To that end I take care to consider a picture and its subjects thoroughly before making an image. 

Now, having moved to Japan, I continue to work in Saitama Prefecture.